하나님의 말씀/각 성경 책별 공부(신약)

마가복음 4장 - 호수가에서 전하신 비유(씨뿌리는 자, 등잔, 자라는 곡식, 겨자씨)와 풍랑을 잔잔케 하신 창조주, 네비게이토 장별 성경공부 [Mark 4 - Search the Scriptures, the Navigator bible study method]

LoveGod 2021. 12. 3. 07:15

Study Passage : Mark 4 (마가복음 4장)

예수님의 사역의 초점. Jesus' Strategy


Point of the Passage [요약 또는 개요]



Jesus by the lake taught people by parables. A farmer sows the seed on four different places such as along the path, on rocky places, among thorns and on good soil. Jesus taught the disciples alone the meaning of the parable. Seed along the path is like the people who hear the word but Satan takes away it. Seed on rocky places is those who first receive the word with joy, but without root they fall away in times of trouble. Seed among thorns is the people who is unfruitful because of worries, wealth and pleausre. A good soil is the people who accept the word and produce a crop many times. 



Lamp is meant to be placed on its stand. Everything will be disclosed. The measure we use retrurns to ourselves. The one who has will be given more, and vice versa.



The kingdom of God is just like the process of growing seed producing grain. He puts sickle to the ripe in the harvest time. 



The kingdom of God is like the smallest mustard seed growing to become the largest tree where the birds perch in its shade. Jesus explained every parable only between him and the disciples alone. 



Jesus and the disciples went over to the other side by boats. The disciples were terrified because of squall almost drowing. On waking Jesus up, Jesus rebuked the waves to be calm and the disciples.


Parallel of the Passage [참조 구절]


Key thought (중심 내용)
4 2Corinthinas 4:4 The satan takes the words away from the unbelievers, hindering conversion.
4 2Thessalonians 3:1 We have to pray that the message may spread and be honored among unbelievers.
12 Matthew 13:10-17 The calloused mind does not understand God's word. Learning heart will understand more.
25 Matthew 25:28 The Lord gives it to the faithful more.
27 1Corinthians 3:7-8 Only God makes things grow.
27 2Corinthians 3:18 Progressive growth through the Holy Spirit
31-32 Isaiah 60:22 The least will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. God will do this swiftly in its time.
32 Matthew 11:28 In Jesus (Jesus-like character, that is gentle and humble), people can find rest for their souls. 
33 Colossians 1:28-29 Paul also taught everyone laboring and struggling with all his energy just as Jesus taught as much as they could understand 
38 1Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety, for he cares for you. 
41 John 1:2-3 Jesus is the Creator.


Problem of the Passage [문제점]


Question (질문)
12 Why did Jesus say to the crowd by parables ?
15 According to Hebrew 4:2, there are some people who listen but do not add their faith. Is this related to the process of taking away the word? Or each of two is different process?
19 What does it mean here "the desires of other thing" - In Luke 8:14, it's 'pleasure'. 
cf. do not mautre(Luke 8:14), making it unfruitful (Mark 4:19)
24 "Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have even what he has will be taken away from him." What does this mean? - It is related to learning heart. The humble and receptable mind will be more abundant with the truth as much as they accept it, however, those who are lack of learning spirit will be taken the word from them.  
34 Why did Jesus not explain the parables to the crowd but explained everything only to the disciples? - Disciples are learners. Jesus focused on the disciples who will teach others instead of Jesus. Jesus did not show favoritism. First he taught the twelve wanting disciples to digest it. They are supposed to teach others after growing. We call this disciplemaking.  
40 Why did Jesus say to the twelve, "Do you still have no faith?" - They should have known who He is with themselves: the One who even the nature obeys


Profit of the Passage [적용]


Jesus did not show favoritism when he explained every parable only to the twelve. From the beginning, he had chosen the twelve with the purpose of disciplemaking (Mathew 28:19-20). His plan and his strategy for 3 years disciplemaking ministry is that the twelve are qualifed to teach others just as Jesus taught them. 


Do I focus on this process? Do I look forward what I am now teaching others will be repeated by those who are learning from me? If not, I do not have clear vision, yet. I have to keep that kind of strategy in mind whenever I am helping others. I have to strengthen the chain of this ongoing process of disciplemaking, generation to generation.


Jesus, in Mark 4, says somebody will fall away because they have no root. I have to help them rooted in built up in Christ Jesus. Rooted! Daily Queit time and scripture memory are inevitable when they grow and are rooted in Him. I have to focus more on these two things when I am helping S, D, and C. In one to one, I will do have quiet time with them and encourage their scripture memory checking reviewing verses and learning new verses every week.